Benefits of Constructing Retaining Walls in Melbourne
Retaining walls are usually constructed to keep hold of soil to a certain position and height. If soil is left unprotected, it can easily wash away and result in erosion of the surface. In places like steep slopes, the rate of erosion is higher and can result in a great loss of soil. As a result, a retaining wall was invented to help curb the problem with soil erosion in steep soil. Retaining walls are common on either side of the roads that are steep, and its main function is to maintain the level of the sides and prevent the soil from filling the road.
The advantages of creating retaining walls in Melbourne
There are many benefits of constructing retaining walls, especially on the sides of the roads. Here are a few most common advantages:
- Prevents flood
Retaining walls have contributed a lot in terms of controlling floods. Retaining walls prevents water from spilling out of the course and causing the destruction of valuable properties.
- Reduces the rate of soil erosion
One of the biggest advantages of retaining walls is to minimise the rate of soil erosion. It is an efficient method of controlling soil erosion as it helps to control the erosion at an earlier stage.
- It can be used as a boundary
Retaining walls can be used to mark the boundaries between different properties. Unlike vegetation boundaries which may bring inconveniences, retaining walls provide clear and undisputed boundary lines that one cannot decide to extend or interfere with.
- It adds value to a home
Retaining walls can gear towards adding value to a home because the value will be calculated basing on the advantage of having the retaining wall to prevent erosion, thus ensuring fertile land, and also land can stay for a long period without wearing off.
- Retaining walls increases the appearance of a place
Nowadays, many materials are used in constructing retaining walls. Some of the materials used are so attractive and make the place more attractive. People usually decide to have plants or flowers along the retaining walls to improve the attractiveness even further.
Types of retaining walls
Retaining walls are built to withstand the lateral pressure or to hold soil in position. There are many types of retaining walls used for different purposes. Some of the common types of retaining walls are as described below:
- Gravity retaining walls
This is a type of retaining wall built to overcome the lateral pressure caused by the earth, such as overturning, sliding, and other external forces. Gravity retaining walls are usually made with resilient materials such as concrete and stones to withstand the pressure.
- Gabion retaining walls
Gabion retaining walls are mainly used in controlling soil erosion. They involve the construction of wire mesh boxes, which are filled with stones to help retain soil as water passes through. It also helps to maintain the level of the slope by minimising soil erosion.
- Anchored retaining walls
Anchored retaining walls are used in areas with limited space or where thin walls are required. It deals with lateral pressure from the earth and maintains the level of the slope.
Constructing stunning retaining walls designed for Melbourne conditions is of significant importance to the area. The process helps in retaining fertile soil that boosts agricultural production. Moreover, it makes a road clear and safe to use in any kind of weather condition. Lastly, retaining walls reduces the risk of the destruction of valuable properties by preventing flooding.